Demetrius Ward und Nicholas Muszynski beantworteten unsere Fragen
Am Donnerstag, den 25. Januar 2024 war es wieder soweit, zwei Basketballspieler der Bozic Knights besuchten die Klassen 9a, 9c und Klasse 8c.
Demetrius Ward und Nicholas Muszynski beantworteten die Fragen der Schüler und gaben so einen Einblick in das Leben als Profispieler. Aber auch Fragen nach Lieblingsessen oder Schuhgröße wurden beantwortet.
What do you do after a game to recover?
- I always take a cold shower and do some Yoga.
- I stretch and got to the sauna. I also have some recovery pants that I put on.
How often do you visit your family in the USA?
- We have some time off in the summer holidays and most players use that time to go to the USA and visit family and Friends.
- I have my own family now, here in Germany. I have a wife and a one year old son, so I spend my time off here.
What do you like to do in your free-time?
- I watch a lot of Basketball or play video games. I also like to watch movies.
- I used to watch a lot of movies, but I am a husband a dad now, so I like to spend time with my family.